White Stag Sierra offers three summer camp programs that are tailored to meet your needs depending on your individual skill level, level of maturity, and readiness to learn.

Fun with a purpose

Ask any one who has been to White Stag Sierra camp what they enjoyed most, and they will say, “It’s fun.” But don’t expect to hang out by the lake and spend time at the snack bar. This isn’t a free time camp and we don’t have a snack bar! you get lots of chances to learn and practice leadership skills in small and large group settings. Summer camp is a fun week of hiking, camping, campfires, outdoor games. yells, cheers, singing, and practicing the skills of leadership

Three programs

White Stag Sierra is three programs rolled into one. Each one is set up to help you learn simple ideas about leadership. You can start when you’re 10 or 11 years old, and come back again when you’re 12, and then join staff when you’re 13 or 14. Because White Stag Sierra is set up to add to what you learned before, and to give you lots of chances to practice.

Nine levels

Choose a level based on your age, maturity, experience, physical ability, grade level, and ambition.

You can attend White Stag leadership camp one summer and return again and again to learn more.

Our program is open to all youth. Some of our participants are members of Boy Scout troops. If you’re a Boy Scout, you can attend White Stag Sierra before or after National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT), which many years ago was based on the White Stag model. Unlike NYLT, White Stag is for all ages.

There’s always seconds at White Stag Sierra.
Leadership session in camp
Summer camp learning session. Small group learning

Apply early

We are only accepting 120 participants this year.  Candidates are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. We ran out of space last year, so apply early and pay fees on time to reserve a space.