The contents of this web site are copyrighted by the White Stag Association. The White Stag Association, founded in 1958 and legally organized in 1984, is the official White Stag Leadership Development Camp of California.
The content and design may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound or image from the Web Site may be copied or retransmitted without the express permission of the White Stag Association.
The White Stag logo (a stag in a green circle), “White Stag Sierra”, “White Stag Leadership Development Program”, the White Stag neckerchief design, the Silver Stag design, the White Stag pocket patch and the White Stag beret patches, “Krackenstock”, “C-Day” and “Candidate-Day”, the arrow with the infinity symbol at its head, are all protected marks of the White Stag Association.
The White Stag Association and its predecessor organization, the White Stag Steering Committee, have used these marks since the program was formed in 1958. All other product names, company names, marks, logos, and symbols may be the trademarks of their respective owners.